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The Power 
of Good Advice

Prepare mentally and financially for divorce to maintain dignity, relationships, and finances. Develop a comprehensive and actionable strategy to guarantee the desired outcome.



My services are unique as you

but here are a few that are common

Assistance with the potentiality or commencement of the Divorce

It is important to set both short-term and long-term goals and establish a legal strategy to achieve them. This includes selecting an attorney or considering representing oneself. Issues such as parenting time and asset division most likely will need to be addressed.

Ongoing support during the pendency of the Divorce

If you're pursuing a legal plan, it's important to understand the ongoing events of the litigation and your options. Divorce support important to effectively communicate with your attorney and remain focused on what really matters, separating emotions from logic.

Advanced Divorce Tactics

If you're considering representing yourself in court, known as going "pro se," it's important to have an experienced Illinois divorce coach on your side to help you learn how to research and study relevant state and case law.

Personal Divorce Coach

I offer divorce strategy on navigating single parenting and co-parenting, as well as providing advice on dating and moving forward to the next stage of life. All guidance is to help you focus on your own personal growth.



The Bad News & What To Expect

Why are you here?  I’ll tell you why - because you’re about to partake in the fight of your life!


Divorce is no joke these days, it was certainly no joke when my parents divorced back in the early 80s but add now the progress humanity has made towards equality, rights, and gender identity and you will see you’re guaranteed to come out loser in this fight.  Literally, there’s no winning here. Your past, today’s society, and your choices have brought you to this point where you have to decide what’s best for you, your children, and your legacy. Think about it, your life is about to change forever, everything you’ve known, relied on, and trusted will change, and you will pay for that change with your own money, time, sacrifices, tears, and humiliation. 


Yes, it will be your hard-earned money that you will spend on legal representation, therapy, mediation, and various recreational activities in order to numb the pain and futile efforts to forget that at this point in your life, you’ve lost control and your options are limited. Your future depends on the legal system, society’s view of you, your mental state, and your ability to fight this battle that most likely you didn’t start.  


A wise friend of mine once said, “I’ll give her anything she wants, this way I know that at least some of my money will go to my kids, and not to the pocket of others.”  However, sometimes this is not an option.  In my experience, I’ve seen spouses who will not agree to anything. They have their own, in my opinion, sometimes selfish reasons, and when that’s the case you must fight, and fight you will.  

Why not get ready, get prepared, mentally, and financially, with a plan that at least you will preserve your dignity, mental state, your relationships, and probably money?  At the end of the day, nothing hurts more than indignity and a loss of money. 


So why are you here, because deep down in yourself you know that you can’t trust the legal system to help you; you can’t trust your lawyer, your therapist, your friends, and even your parents.  No, the only person you can trust is yourself.  This fight will reveal your true self, there’s no greater realization of your character than going through a divorce.  Life goes on, it really does!  The only question is how much humiliation you will put up with and how much money you’re willing to lose.


I’ve been in this fight, I have persevered for 14 years, and have been given the unique opportunity to observe the legal system and all parties involved for many years; I have learned one unmistakable truth - you must fight with everything you’ve got because this is indeed the fight of your life.  And this is where someone like myself may help.
We can develop a divorce strategy and give you the ability to see the big picture, which may cut down cost, time, and frustration by 50-75%. 


Contact me today and receive the first 20-30 minute consultation for FREE! It's time to safeguard yourself and your future!



Let’s Work Together

Together we will get you through this!


You have two ways to get started - fill out the form or give me a call at the number below. Either way, I'm here to help you with your divorce strategy every step of the way.


Westmont, IL 60559



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